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[求助帖] APC vs eAccelerator vs xcache 性能评测 |
爱洞特漏 |
爱洞特漏 发表于 2013-05-08 17:45:49
APC 3.0.19 (Alternative PHP Cache)
配置 apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_segments=1 apc.shm_size=128 apc.ttl=7200 apc.user_ttl=7200 apc.num_files_hint=1024 apc.mmap_file_mask=/tmp/apc.XXXXXX apc.enable_cli=1结果7303 fetches, 50 max parallel, 1.67458e+07 bytes, in 300 seconds 2293 mean bytes/connection 24.3433 fetches/sec, 55819.3 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 3.27583 mean, 2999.74 max, 0.184 min msecs/first-response: 2043.52 mean, 7853.21 max, 325.513 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 7303eAccelerator 配置[eaccelerator] eaccelerator.shm_size="16" eaccelerator.cache_dir="/tmp/eaccelerator" eaccelerator.enable="1" eaccelerator.optimizer="1" eaccelerator.check_mtime="1" eaccelerator.debug="0" eaccelerator.log_file = "/var/log/httpd/eaccelerator_log" eaccelerator.filter="" eaccelerator.shm_max="0" eaccelerator.shm_ttl="0" eaccelerator.shm_prune_period="0" eaccelerator.shm_only="0" eaccelerator.compress="1" eaccelerator.compress_level="9"结果7568 fetches, 50 max parallel, 1.73534e+07 bytes, in 300.001 seconds 2293 mean bytes/connection 25.2266 fetches/sec, 57844.6 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 0.39873 mean, 1.01 max, 0.173 min msecs/first-response: 1972.44 mean, 5520.1 max, 635.565 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 7568XCache v1.2.2 配置extension="" [xcache.admin] ; Change xcache.admin.user to your preferred login name xcache.admin.user = "admin" ; Change xcache.admin.pass to the MD5 fingerprint of your password ; Use md5 -s "your_secret_password" to find the fingerprint xcache.admin.pass = "e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e" [xcache] ; Change xcache.size to tune the size of the opcode cache xcache.size = 24M xcache.shm_scheme = "mmap" xcache.count = 2 xcache.slots = 8K xcache.ttl = 0 xcache.gc_interval = 0 ; Change xcache.var_size to adjust the size of variable cache xcache.var_size = 8M xcache.var_count = 1 xcache.var_slots = 8K xcache.var_ttl = 0 xcache.var_maxttl = 0 xcache.var_gc_interval = 300 xcache.test = Off xcache.readonly_protection = On xcache.mmap_path = "/tmp/xcache" xcache.coredump_directory = "" xcache.cacher = On xcache.stat = On xcache.optimizer = On [xcache.coverager] xcache.coverager = Off xcache.coveragedump_directory = ""结果4539 fetches, 50 max parallel, 1.04079e+07 bytes, in 300 seconds 2293 mean bytes/connection 15.13 fetches/sec, 34693.1 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 0.405883 mean, 0.999 max, 0.182 min msecs/first-response: 3214.64 mean, 18691.3 max, 772.952 min HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 4539No OP-Cache 结果1798 fetches, 50 max parallel, 3.9867e+06 bytes, in 300 seconds 2217.3 mean bytes/connection 5.99332 fetches/sec, 13289 bytes/sec msecs/connect: 12.0802 mean, 2999.48 max, 0.203 min msecs/first-response: 6966.64 mean, 59754 max, 381.002 min 41 timeouts 61 bad byte counts HTTP response codes: code 200 -- 1757结论: eAccelerator 25.2266 fetches/sec APC 3.0.19 24.3433 fetches/sec XCache v1.2.2 15.13 fetches/sec No OP-Cache 5.99332 fetches/sec eA的效果最好.APC紧随其后.两者的性能表现基本相同.xcache最差.
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2013-05-08 17:45:49 1
amysql |
2013-05-08 17:56:25 2
AMH面板 - 好用高效低占用、安全可靠极稳定 |
爱洞特漏 |
2013-05-08 18:02:02 3
shylocker120 |
2013-05-12 18:01:21 4
Star |
2013-05-13 14:01:35 5
ivmm |
2013-05-17 17:51:43 6
amysql |
仔细一看XCache v1.2.2?
2007 12 29 XCache 1.2.2 Released 确实很老的版本了。
2013-05-17 17:56:35 7
Star |
2013-05-17 20:19:23 8
ivmm |
2013-05-17 21:51:05 9
amysql |
2013-05-18 13:00:44 10