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[求助帖] hhvm安装失败,阿里云debian7.5 x64

5375.36 价值分

iseeyo 发表于 2014-09-17 04:30:47
本帖最后由 iseeyo 于 2014-9-17 19:11 编辑

[Linux] AMH 5.0

[hhvm-php-1.0 install]
[Notice] hhvm-php-1.0 is not installed.
Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l
--2014-09-17 04:23:16-- http://dl.hhvm.com/conf/hhvm.gpg.key
Resolving dl.hhvm.com (dl.hhvm.com)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `dl.hhvm.com'
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
deb http://dl.hhvm.com/debian wheezy main
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates Release.gpg
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates Release
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main Sources
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
Err http://dl.hhvm.com wheezy Release.gpg
Could not resolve 'dl.hhvm.com'
Reading package lists...
W: Failed to fetch http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/dists/wheezy/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'dl.hhvm.com'

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
[hhvm Installing] ************************************************** >>
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package hhvm
[Notice] hhvm-php-1.0 is not installed.
2014-09-17 04:30:47 1

1713.95 价值分

Could not resolve 'dl.hhvm.com'
  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 08:19:56 2

1713.95 价值分

ssh执行 echo ' dl.hhvm.com' >> /etc/hosts
  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 08:20:53 3

99530.81 价值分

@caaol 方法增加hosts也可以。或改DNS为
  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 10:22:45 4

AMH面板 - 好用高效低占用、安全可靠极稳定

5375.36 价值分

amysql 发表于 2014-9-17 10:22
@caaol 方法增加hosts也可以。或改DNS为

  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 16:27:11 5

5375.36 价值分

caaol 发表于 2014-9-17 08:20
ssh执行 echo ' dl.hhvm.com' >> /etc/hosts

[Linux] AMH 5.0

[hhvm-php-1.0 install]
[Notice] hhvm-php-1.0 is not installed.
Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l
--2014-09-17 16:42:26-- http://dl.hhvm.com/conf/hhvm.gpg.key
Resolving dl.hhvm.com (dl.hhvm.com)...
Connecting to dl.hhvm.com (dl.hhvm.com)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1707 (1.7K) [application/pgp-keys]
Saving to: `STDOUT'

0K . 100% 6.07K=0.3s

2014-09-17 16:42:34 (6.07 KB/s) - written to stdout [1707/1707]

deb http://dl.hhvm.com/debian wheezy main
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyuncs.com wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates Release.gpg
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates Release
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy/main Translation-en
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main Sources
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit http://mirrors.aliyun.com wheezy-updates/main Translation-en/DiffIndex
Hit http://dl.hhvm.com wheezy Release.gpg
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates Release.gpg
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates Release
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main Sources
Hit http://dl.hhvm.com wheezy Release
Hit http://dl.hhvm.com wheezy/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main amd64 Packages
Hit http://security.debian.org wheezy/updates/main Translation-en
Ign http://dl.hhvm.com wheezy/main Translation-en
Reading package lists...
[hhvm Installing] ************************************************** >>
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following extra packages will be installed:
fontconfig-config fonts-droid gcc-4.8-base ghostscript gsfonts
imagemagick-common libboost-filesystem1.49.0 libboost-program-options1.49.0
libboost-regex1.49.0 libboost-system1.49.0 libboost-thread1.49.0
libc-client2007e libcups2 libcupsimage2 libfontconfig1 libgd2-xpm libgs9
libgs9-common libice6 libicu48 libijs-0.35 libjasper1 libjbig0 libjbig2dec0
libjemalloc1 liblcms2-2 liblqr-1-0 libmagickcore5 libmagickwand5 libmcrypt4
libmemcached10 libmysqlclient18 libonig2 libpaper-utils libpaper1 libsm6
libstdc++6 libtbb2 libtiff4 libunwind7 libxpm4 libxslt1.1 libxt6 mlock
mysql-common poppler-data ttf-dejavu-core x11-common
Suggested packages:
ghostscript-cups ghostscript-x hpijs uw-mailutils cups-common libgd-tools
libjasper-runtime liblcms2-utils libmagickcore5-extra libmcrypt-dev mcrypt
poppler-utils fonts-japanese-mincho fonts-ipafont-mincho
fonts-japanese-gothic fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-arphic-ukai
fonts-arphic-uming fonts-unfonts-core
The following NEW packages will be installed:
fontconfig-config fonts-droid gcc-4.8-base ghostscript gsfonts hhvm
imagemagick-common libboost-filesystem1.49.0 libboost-program-options1.49.0
libboost-regex1.49.0 libboost-system1.49.0 libboost-thread1.49.0
libc-client2007e libcups2 libcupsimage2 libfontconfig1 libgd2-xpm libgs9
libgs9-common libice6 libicu48 libijs-0.35 libjasper1 libjbig0 libjbig2dec0
libjemalloc1 liblcms2-2 liblqr-1-0 libmagickcore5 libmagickwand5 libmcrypt4
libmemcached10 libmysqlclient18 libonig2 libpaper-utils libpaper1 libsm6
libtbb2 libtiff4 libunwind7 libxpm4 libxslt1.1 libxt6 mlock mysql-common
poppler-data ttf-dejavu-core x11-common
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 48 newly installed, 0 to remove and 38 not upgraded.
Need to get 15.9 MB/43.6 MB of archives.
After this operation, 88.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:2 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:3 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:4 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:5 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:6 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:7 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:8 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:9 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:10 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:11 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Get:12 http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy [15.9 MB]
Err http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/ wheezy/main hhvm amd64 3.2.0~wheezy
Connection failed
Failed to fetch http://dl.hhvm.com/debian/pool/main/h/hhvm/hhvm_3.2.0~wheezy_amd64.deb Connection failed
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
[Notice] hhvm-php-1.0 is not installed.
  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 16:49:02 6

3159.62 价值分

  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 19:08:59 7

5375.36 价值分

1024 发表于 2014-9-17 19:08

  支持 (0分)  反对 (0分)
回复  2014-09-17 19:13:08 8
 1  (总1页)