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[求助帖] 用YUM的方法安装 Memcache数据库缓存 |
chenghua |
chenghua 发表于 2013-07-07 11:56:56
后来使用yum的方法才搞定,特此把安装过程贴出来,来帮助和我遇到一样问题的朋友: 第一步安装 memcache php 扩展 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、依次运行如下命令: #wget; #tar zxvf memcache-2.2.6.tgz; #cd memcache-2.2.6; #/usr/local/php/bin/phpize; #./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config; #make; #make install; 2、显示如下信息时为安装成功: Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ 3、修改php配置文件,载入memcache #vi /etc/php.ini 在最后加上下面的代码 [memcache] extension_dir = "/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/" extension = "" 4、刷新PHP配置 #killall php-fpm #/usr/local/php/sbin/php-fpm 查看phpinfo中是否有memcache一项,有则成功 (如果安装完网站提示出现502 只需要进面板 HOST界面 点击php运行即可) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 第二步安装 memcached ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1、安装memcached #yum -y install memcached 2、启动进程 #memcached -d -u root -m 128 -l -p 12121 -c 256 -P /tmp/ (说明:创建一个128MB,只允许本机 连接,端口号是 12121,并发数是 256) 3、添加开机启动进程, #vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local 加入 memcached -d -u root -m 128 -l -p 12121 -c 256 -P /tmp/ 备注:如果要结束Memcache进程: #pkill memcached ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK,到这里结束了。 最后再问一个小问题:我使用eAccelerator来加速PHP。并且想用它来缓存数据库,但是使用eaccelerator_put却提示:“Fatal error: Call to undefined function eaccelerator_put()”。请问是什么问题?
点赞,加油! (1分)
2013-07-07 11:56:56 1
amysql |
Call to undefined function eaccelerator_put()
应该不支持吧, 只看到有 引用: [1219] => eaccelerator_caching [1220] => eaccelerator_clear [1221] => eaccelerator_clean [1222] => eaccelerator_info [1223] => eaccelerator_purge [1224] => eaccelerator_cached_scripts [1225] => eaccelerator_removed_scripts [1226] => eaccelerator_check_mtime [1227] => eaccelerator_optimizer 这些函数, 要用自定义缓存,还是用别的缓存扩展。
2013-07-07 15:36:59 2
AMH面板 - 好用高效低占用、安全可靠极稳定 |
chenghua |
感觉好像只有旧版本的支持eaccelerator_put、eaccelerator_get等操作? 比如0.9.5.3 下载这个解压缩 doc\php\shared_memory.php 这个文件就介绍了,如何使用eaccelerator_put、eaccelerator_get <?php /* * This file is a file with dummy php function to document the functions in * the eAccelerator extension. */ /** * eAccelerator shared memory access. * eAccelerator can be used to store data in shared memory and share this * between script. This can be used instead of the php shm or shmop API. * These functions can be enabled with --with-eaccelerator-shared-memory * at compile time * * @package eAccelerator */ /** * Put key. * Put key in the eaccelerator shared memory. * eAccelerator doesn't serialize object, so you need to do it you're self or * php will segfault on object retrieval. * * @param string The key to identify the data * @param mixed The data to store in shared memory * @param int Cache the key for $ttl seconds, 0 for never * @return boolean Returns true if the function was succesfull otherwise it * will return false. When false is returned, this could mean the limit of * the total cache is exceeded or the size of the data is to big for the * eaccelerator.shm_max directive. * @see eaccelerator_get() * @see eaccelerator_rm() */ function eaccelerator_put ($key, $value, $ttl = 0) {} /** * Get data. * Get data from shared memory. Object need to be serialized when storing them * so unserializing is necessary when retrieving them. * * @param string The key to identify the data * @return mixed Returns the requested data on succes otherwise NULL if the key doesn't exist or the key was expired. * @see eaccelerator_put() */ function eaccelerator_get ($key) {} /** * Remove key. * Remove key from shared memory * * @param string The key to identify the data * @return boolean Return true on success and false on failure * @see eaccelerator_put() */ function eaccelerator_rm ($key) {} /** * Garbage collection. * Removes expired keys (session data and content) from shared memory */ function eaccelerator_gc () {} /** * Lock. * Create a lock with the given key, this allows you to prevent concurrent * access to some part of your code. Warning, you don't need this to lock the * keys used with eaccelerator_get and eaccelerator_put. The lock can be * released with eaccelerator_unlock or automatic at the end of the request. * * @param string The key to identify the data to lock * @return boolean Return true on success and false on failure * @see eaccelerator_unlock() * @example eaccelerator_lock.php Lock example */ function eaccelerator_lock ($key) {} /** * Unlock. * Unlock the access to a key * * @param string The key to identify the data to lock * @return boolean Return true on success and false on failure * @see eaccelerator_lock() */ function eaccelerator_unlock ($key) {} ?>
2013-07-07 16:01:02 3
amysql |
eaccelerator- doc/php下面只有info
2013-07-07 16:14:39 4
chenghua |
2013-07-07 16:32:57 5
chenghua |
0.9.6开始 这个软件去掉了缓存函数 :L
2013-07-07 17:43:28 6